Category: Mezzanine Floor Construction

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Benefits of Installing Mezzanine Floor at Home

Mezzanine floor for home

When it comes to optimising space in the industrial sector, mezzanine always tops the list. It is a versatile intermediate floor that caters to the needs of office space or storage space.  Mezzanine is a common architectural element in industries. But it is also an attractive option to enhance space in homes.  In residential space, […]

Why Structural Steel Fabrication Is Best Choice to Construct Mezzanine Floor?

Constructing mezzanine floor by structural fabrication process

Commercial and industrial facilities including factories and workshops take the most out of the high space between the floor and ceiling of a building or premises by constructing a mezzanine. A mezzanine floor is an elevated platform that optimizes the use of underused ‘vertical space’. It is an excellent way to increase warehouse and storage […]
